Mindfulness & Insight: a meditation course

Thursdays: May 30 & June 6, 13 & 20, 2024

6.00 – 7.15 PM (new students please attend all sessions)

Vipassana (Insight) meditation is the development of understanding or “insight” through the cultivation of mindfulness. Mindfulness is observing with clarity. As mindfulness is practiced it brings stillness and composure, reducing the confusion inherent in our typically reactive relationship with life experiences. Building skill in mindfulness reduces judgement and enhances responsiveness, resilience, integrity and discernment. Ultimately, insight meditation develops the art or skill of living intelligently, with compassion.

The course is suitable for those with previous experience in meditation as well as new students. Sessions include periods of instruction and individual guidance as well as silent meditation practice and opportunity for discussion and questions. The course is structured such that each session builds on the understanding of the previous week. The Saturday practice afternoons that have traditionally followed a four week course have been suspended for the time being due to covid.

Venue: Online

Course cost: Dana

Dana: Traditionally the teachings of the Buddha have been offered and supported by the practice of Dana. Dana means generosity, the extending of one’s goodwill. Dana to a teacher is a subtle and sophisticated approach to the teacher/student exchange – as such, an appropriate Dana cannot be prescribed but requires sensitivity to its intent and awareness of how the responsibility for costs and expenses associated with the teachings is met (for example, that venue costs and the livelihood of the teacher are borne collectively by the participating students).

Please submit your registration of interest below: